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The fire protection industry is on the verge of a revolution. Autonomous Robotic Fire Suppression (ARFS) systems are poised to reshape safety standards for large-scale indoor and outdoor environments. Also known as autonomous fire monitors or automatic fire monitors, ARFS systems combine advanced fire monitors (a.k.a. water cannons) with cutting-edge fire detection technologies, including flame…
Photo Credit: IMO/Flickr The IMO Maritime Safety Committee held its 108th session from May 15-24 (MSC 108). During this session, new SOLAS regulations and Fire Safety Systems Code (FSS Code) were adopted. Among the new regulations, ro-ro passenger ships (ro-pax) will soon be required to protect the ship’s weather decks intended for the carriage of…
Unifire’s General Counsel, Roger Barrett James, presents the legal and practical requirements of the newly-anticipated SOLAS regulations and Fire Safety Systems Code (FSS Code) as they relate to ro-ro passenger (ro-pax) ship weather deck fire protection. The new SOLAS Regulations and FSS Code were approved in June, 2023, and are expected to be adopted in…
Autonomous fire monitors are the best choice for protecting ro-ro passenger ship weather decks. They comply with new SOLAS regulations and FSS Code and are extremely fast to suppress fires. They also cost little more than the newly-required fire detectors and fire monitors. Unifire’s FlameRanger has been tested successfully to protect weather decks by autonomously…
Unifire is thrilled to announce that Risk Management Insight has again featured Unifire’s FlameRanger autonomous robotic fire suppression system (aka automatic fire monitor) in their latest story! This cutting-edge technology can suppress fires in under 15 seconds. The full article is published here (June 12, 203) on Risk Management Insight and set out below. Renowned…
This guide presents the most popular fire detection technologies and discusses their respective advantages and disadvantages, particular with respect to their use with autonomous robotic fire suppression systems, also known as automatic fire water cannons.
Unifire AB’s FlameRanger™ ARFS system is revolutionizing autonomous robotic fire suppression with its advanced technology and top-tier flame detection capabilities. Combining stainless steel robotic nozzles, cutting-edge hardware and software, FlameRanger swiftly detects and suppresses fires, typically within 15 seconds of ignition. The system can track up to four fires simultaneously and seamlessly integrates with various…
The following article by Forbes Magazine’s David Hambling (Jul 15, 2020) was originally published at: Could These Firefighting Robots Have Saved The Bonhomme Richard? David HamblingContributorI’m a South London-based technology journalist, consultant and author The fire that broke out on the USS Bonhomme Richard on Sunday was still burning at the time of writing. The blaze…
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